The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) is set to embark on a transformative infrastructure project at the Sepulveda Basin, home to Wong and Marder cricket fields. Starting as early as December 2024, this 2.5 to 3-year project aims to modernize the area’s infrastructure (Tillman Water Reclamation Plant) as part of the Sepulveda Basin Vision Plan leading up to the preparation for the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics. This initiative, although vital for the region’s future development, will bring significant changes for cricket enthusiasts and local sports groups who rely on these fields.
What to Expect During the Construction Period
The LADWP project will involve replacing pipelines and upgrading the infrastructure tied to the Tillman Water Reclamation Plant. The Sepulveda Basin will serve as a key hub for the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics, hosting multiple sports and training facilities. As a result of this extensive construction, both Wong and Marder fields will be unavailable for the entire 2.5 to 3-year duration.
Impacts on Cricket at the Basin
With the unavailability of Wong and Marder fields, all permitted cricket activities will face constraints. This poses challenges for the region’s vibrant cricketing community, including youth leagues, tournaments, and recreational matches. To address these issues, equitable distribution of limited grounds across groups and adherence to the city’s rules will be crucial. Partnerships with local organizations will also help manage this period effectively.
A Glimmer of Hope: New Cricket Fields in the Pipeline
The LADWP has pledged to support the development of two new cricket fields as part of the Sepulveda Basin Vision Plan. While this is a positive step, several uncertainties remain. Though the fields have received approval, no concrete timeline for their construction has been set by the Army Corps of Engineers or the Department of Parks and Recreation.
Looking Ahead: Partnerships and Adaptations
To ensure cricket’s continuity at the Basin, the community must focus on collaboration and adaptation. The limited availability of grounds will necessitate efficient scheduling, equitable distribution, and strict adherence to rules and regulations. Additionally, fostering partnerships with local youth organizations can help promote the sport during this transitional phase.